We endorse Pugs Funding goes to the Dogs - we hope! Wherein Lucia is interviewed by two local news outlets on the legislature proposed to fund research on COVID-sniffing search dogs. Excellent article by Nanette Asimov for the Chronicle and And on KGO (ABC7 San...
The Squirrel Zeitgeist is unstoppable! The French Super-Hero Squirrel School! (painting of squirrel in beret by Diedre Wicks, “Water in My Paint” shop on...
Veronique Bohbot’s group published a fascinating study last fall in Nature Communications, demonstrating an assocation between spatial navigation and olfactory ability in humans; Louisa Dahmani was the first author on this study. Shawna Williams has done a great...
Just in time for Valentine’s Day – North American flying squirrels, in the genus Glaucomys – glow PINK under UV light! Not fox squirrels, gray squirrels or red squirrels — just the nocturnal flying squirrels. WHY? The authors have several...
From the New York Times today, a great write-up of Judy’s work that she started as a student project in Bob Full’s amazing class on biomechanics!”Dr. Nirody, who will start research at Rockefeller University this coming year, and Judy Jinn, were...
Members of our Ideas Lab team with others, writes a wonderful review of their findings on algorithms of olfactory navigation. Baker, K.L. et al., 2018. Algorithms for olfactory search across species. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(44),...
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