We endorse pugs

We endorse Pugs Funding goes to the Dogs - we hope! Wherein Lucia is interviewed by two local news outlets on the legislature proposed to fund research on COVID-sniffing search dogs. Excellent article by Nanette Asimov for the Chronicle and And on KGO (ABC7 San...

French Super-Hero Squirrel School

The Squirrel Zeitgeist is unstoppable! The French Super-Hero Squirrel School! (painting of squirrel in beret by Diedre Wicks, “Water in My Paint” shop on...

The olfactory spatial hypothesis: new evidence from humans

Veronique Bohbot’s group published a fascinating study last fall in Nature Communications, demonstrating an assocation between spatial navigation and olfactory ability in humans; Louisa Dahmani was the first author on this study. Shawna Williams has done a great...

Rocky is…pink

Just in time for Valentine’s Day – North American flying squirrels, in the genus Glaucomys – glow PINK under UV light!  Not fox squirrels, gray squirrels or red squirrels — just the nocturnal flying squirrels. WHY? The authors have several...

Judy shows that geckos walk on water

From the New York Times today, a great write-up of Judy’s work that she started as a student project in Bob Full’s amazing class on biomechanics!”Dr. Nirody, who will start research at Rockefeller University this coming year, and Judy Jinn, were...

J Neurosci: Algorithms of olfactory navigation

Members of our Ideas Lab team with others, writes a wonderful review of their findings on algorithms of olfactory navigation. Baker, K.L. et al., 2018. Algorithms for olfactory search across species. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(44),...