Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day! Yup, we didn’t know it either until Katherine J. Wu called from NOVA at PBS, to interview us about the event! Katherine wrote a great piece about why squirrels are so great! ...
Hooray for Jiwan, who we all knew was a brilliant chef as well as brilliant squirrel biologist! Opening paragraphs from this San Diego Union Tribune article, entitled, “When not analyzing brain scans, one San Diego neuropsychology researcher makes fancy...
From the New York Times today, a great write-up of Judy’s work that she started as a student project in Bob Full’s amazing class on biomechanics!”Dr. Nirody, who will start research at Rockefeller University this coming year, and Judy Jinn, were...
BBC documentary highlights lots of Berkeley work – Mikel’s thesis, Judy’s jumping wall collaboration with Nate Hunt and Bob Full and Lucia talking about seasonal changes in brain and...
KQED did a great job, filming Mikel’s experiment, in their Deep Look series.Our department is well known for its studies of emotion in humans. But Ph.D. candidate Mikel Delgado recently published the first experimental study in a wild animal on the emotion of...
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